Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just Like my Dad

Madison and I went shopping today in efforts to get this baby to join the world! She of course made a haul, as usual, but she found a pink hat that she just needed! Now she says that she looks "just like me daddy."

40 weeks

Perhaps this baby is very happy where he is, but I wanted one lasting memory of being pregnant before he comes out. It was very different being pregnant for a full 40 weeks! Madison tells my tummy every night "Come out, me want to see you!" Too cute. I think we are all ready. Maybe tonight is the night!

Finger Painting

Madison created one of her first finger paintings for a project at my school. I wasn't sure what she was going to think, but she loved it! The paintings turned out very cute and she has asked to paint every night since!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Finally a nice day!

We finally have been having some nice weather and all Madison wants to do is play outside, not that I blame her! It has been so nice to be able to get out and get some fresh air! She is too funny and thinks that she should drive everywhere in her orange car! Madison is also looking forward to her little brother getting here (so is Mommy!)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Little Mommy

Madison is quite the little mommy. She loves to play with her babies. She is very good at taking care of them and feeding them. She loves to put them in chairs, make them beds, and take them for rides in the shopping cart. They love to go shopping she tells me. I hope that she will be as helpful when her little brother arrives.
Yesterday, we went to Babies R Us and bought a few remaining baby items. One thing was a new garbage can for the dirty diapers (or as Madison say for the babies stinky diapers that Daddy has to change.) She has had more fun getting into the wipes and cleaning everything so that she can put stuff into the new garbage can.