Monday, February 25, 2008

Just Starting

I know that not everyone is able to see Madison all the time and I thought that this would be a great way to keep in touch and watch her grow. Madison is really starting to talk!! Knowing Russ and I, once she starts, I don't think she will ever stop! I am amazed at how much she is learning and what she is comprehending! She likes to play with her doggies and boss them around! Right now, she is learning how to go potty on the "big girl" potty. She needs to read her magazine (I wonder where she got that from?!). She also likes to use the toilet paper and wave bye-bye to her potty when she flushes! We are definately getting sick of the snow and cold weather! Madison was able to go sledding down the snow bank that has accumulated in our front yard, which was great fun for her!

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